Saturday, September 22, 2012

Boo! Banner

One of my sister lives in Wales with her British husband.  Halloween is not as celebrated in Europe as it is here.  After being stationed in Germany for several years I experienced this first hand.  The first year we were stationed in Germany we were off post and were living in a small German town.  All of our neighbors were German.  My husband decided that he wanted to hand out candy and went and got a TON of candy.  At the end of the night only two kids had come by and by kids I mean 15 year olds.  Then happened to live down the hall and when they found out the we were passing out candy they came by about 10 times.  Because of the language barrier we didn't know how to explain the concept of only going to a house once.  Or the concept of dressing up.  By the end of our five years in Germany Halloween started to be catching on.  (No not because of our large candy stash!)  All in all, Halloween is still really not celebrated over there.  But my sister LOVES this holiday and well I can't blame her!  I love fall and so I love this holiday.  Costume parties, bobbing for apples, cute little dressed up kids and pumpkins! 

So for the love of my sister and the love of this fabulous holiday I am sending her a small care package.  Due to the extremely high shipping rates I have to get creative when  I send her things.  This time I am sending her and husband some of their favorite candy, a few Halloween treats and this Boo! Banner I made from card stock paper and black yarn.  It was super easy.

I made a triangle on a piece of scrap paper that was the size I wanted and divided it into three equal pieces.  Using each piece as a template for each color.  I cut the paper to size, used a pair of scallop scissors to create the cute edges and use a hot glue gun to attach the pieces.  A few hole punches on the top and some yarn and viola a little bit of fun Halloween decor for my sister far far away!  Not to mention that it is light and therefore cheap to send!

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